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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

The Journey to Energy Healing


Before we became experts in energy healing or Divine Straightening, our journey began with a painful experience—the loss of a beloved family member, our father, who had given us everything. That period was quick and full of sorrow, leaving everyone in the family feeling heartbroken, especially our mother, who began showing signs of mental and behavioral changes, such as depression, loss of appetite, and withdrawal from conversation.


Grief and Healing

In scientific terms, grief refers to the physical, mental, and social responses to loss. We explored various methods to heal the mind, and eventually discovered this practice, which led us to start with feeling interviews and using energy healing, particularly for depression and grief. As we performed the healing, our mother felt the energy flow through her like recharging a battery. Shortly after, she began to feel more lively, started eating again, and engaged in more conversations.

Satisfactory Results

Although the effects of energy healing vary from person to person, we don't need to worry because the body naturally regulates how much energy we receive. Today, our mother is healthy for her age and no longer experiences grief or sorrow. Compared to other elderly people of the same age, the results have been excellent, and our mother now enjoys daily life. This is why we chose to specialize in this field. If you are interested and would like to discuss or inquire about this practice, we are happy to assist and share our positive experiences with you.

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